
Amazing academic progress

Baseline tests

These are tests which are given to new students of the continuing classes who are just joining the school. This enables us to identify their performances gaps and where, how to support them. It is through these findings that we organize the intervention programs to help them make progress.

The baseline tests also make the basis for the setting of targets for the students especially S.1 and S.2 while other classes base on their standard test in school that termas some baseline tests can be outliers.


To achieve our aim, our teachers “DIE” for the students: a thorough diagnosis is done on all New students at the entry points through baseline tests and for continuing students through the different examination sets. When gaps are realized, interventions strategies are put in place to support the students.

These are linked to what the students already know and what they do not know. At the end of every intervention circle, Evaluation is made to check the impact of the intervention on every student.



Game changers Program

We would like to inform parents that S.3 and S.5 students who will not meet our academic performance standards this term will be placed under intensive support next term through the game changers program.

We will identify areas where learners are struggling or falling behind and offer them free interventions. We will be providing you with monthly reports on how your child is progressing towards their targets for Term 3.


Kisubi High School has standards that all teachers are expected to achieve. Appropriate support, coaching, mentoring and training is systematically provided through a robust Continuous professional development program to help all teachers realize this professionally high standard that all students deserve.

The aspirational standards are based on the ministry of education standards and contextualized to sit alongside KHS mission and values. 

Become the greatest version of you.
Kisubi prepares the entire child.
We prepare the entire child — with rigorous faith-integrated academics. In every program, every step of the way, we train the child's mind and spirit to be ready for a life of impact.
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